Monetary Donations
Consider supporting the library with a tax-deductible monetary donation. More than two-thirds of our funding comes from donations and fundraising efforts from supporters like you. Without fundraising partners and supporters like the individuals, businesses, and organizations that contribute, it would be difficult for the library to offer our services and programming to our community.
One-Time Donations
One-time monetary donations can be made to the library in person, by mail, or online.
It’s More than Books Campaign
Become a sustaining supporter of the library with a recurring monthly donation.
Recurring donations can be set up online by clicking here, or by completing and returning the following form to the library.
It’s More Than Books Campaign (PDF file)
Endowment Fund
Help ensure the library will be able to continue doing good in our community for many years to come. It would be wonderful if you would remember the library's Endowment Fund in your estate planning. This Fund's principal is restricted and provides investment income for operating expenses.
Click below to download the Endowment Fund brochure.
Endowment Fund Brochure (PDF file)
Memorial Donations
Monetary donations for purchasing library material are appreciated and these donations may be designated as a tribute to a person or persons. Material chosen for tribute will have a special bookplate with the name of the honoree placed in the front of the book, and a letter will be sent to the person or persons of your choice. The name of the individual being memorialized will be cataloged with the book allowing patrons to type the person’s name in the card catalog to easily find the book bearing their memorial plate.
Donate Library Materials
The library is grateful for all gifts. In accepting a donation, the library reserves the privilege of adding the material to the collection or passing items on to the Best Friends of the Library for their used book sales. The library will acknowledge all gifts, if requested at the time of donation, but cannot place a value on material donated.
Donate Supplies
The library also accepts donations of office and cleaning supplies, such as paper towels, hand soap, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and copy paper.
Brick and Tile Opportunity (Best Friends of the Library)
The Best Friends sponsor a brick and tile fundraiser that allows people to memorialize loved ones and to also make themselves a permanent part of the history of the library.
The bricks and tiles line the covered entrance of the library and there are Veterans Memorial bricks surrounding the flagpole in front.
Adoption Program (Best Friends of the Library)
The Adoption Program is another way that you can contribute to the library. By adopting a shelf, chair, computer, computer workstation, table, or any number of items, a permanent "Adoption Plaque" will be placed on that item to honor your contribution.
The Library at Cedar Creek Lake is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 75-2680229. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.